
There are currently a total of 317 tourist camps in 2010. From these camps, 79 have a 1-2 flower-rating. There are some camps that utilize ger type of accommodation. These camps have an average of about 25 gers each and a ger typically provide four beds each.
Tourist GER camps are the best accommodation closely located to attraction sites through the country, where visitors can experience and feel nomadic way of life. It is a portable round felt house perfectly suited to the Mongolian nomadic lifestyle. The GER consists of a wooden frame carrying a felt cover. In each ger 2-4 people able to stay at tourist camps in Mongolia. The most GER camps have separate typical bathrooms and have less than 6 bathrooms for “Ladies & Gentlemen”. Specific tourist camps which are separated by their products and markets are developing and improving in Mongolia in last years. For example: “Three camel” ecolodge, 13th century complex, Mongolian secret history, Khaan jims, Ongiin Nuuts, Dream land tourist camps etc.
Three Camel ecolodge and Jalman tourist camp depend environment friendly activity. Three Camel ecolodge is a one of TOP 50 ecolodges-2009 in the world. Ger camp which uses the energy is Gobi Mirage tourist camp. And Toilogt tourist camp in Khuvsgul province and Hustai tourist camp pursue a policy to depend local people’s sustainable livelihood. 
Steppe Nomads tourist camp runs tour in direction of ecotourism in tourism zone within the reserve. It uses energy from wind and sun power station and is responsible for conserving environment. When traveling within the reserve, tourists pay entrance fee, and 60 percent of income from entrance fee is devoted for conserving the nature and encouraging the locals who are participating for conserving nature and tourism very actively. 
Another one of best practices is Noyontour tourist camp that lays out the 30 hectare garden. The carden is including around 30000 woods of 32 species. Also they organize adolescent children tour to introduce nature and improve their environmental knowledge every year in own garden. 

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