

How to get Mongolian visa?
Visa is required for all, except citizens of the following countries. Visas are available from the Mongolian embassy in your country.

 If there is no Mongolia embassy in your country, one month visas can be obtained on the spot once you arrive at the airport or railway station. There will also be a visa fee of $53US. We will supply an official confirmation letter (by email or post) for your visa application once you book a travel service with us.

USA, Kazakhstan –no need a visa for a visit not exceeding three months
Malaysia, Israel - no need a visa for a visit not exceeding one month
Philippines - no need a visa for a visit not exceeding three weeks
Singapore - no need a visa for a visit not exceeding two weeks
People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Thailand, Romania and Chile –who has diplomatic or official passport -no need a visa for a visit
Russia, Laos, Yugoslavia, Czech, Slovak, Mexico -who has diplomatic or official  passport -no need a visa for a visit not exceeding three months
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Turkey and Republic of Korea - who has diplomatic or official passport -no need a visa for a visit not exceeding one  month
India –needs Mongolian visa without visa fee
Hong Kong –no need visa for a visit not exceeding 14 days
Cuba –no need a visa for a visit not exceeding one month
Mongolian visas are issued by Mongolian Diplomatic Missions abroad or upon arrival at a special request. 
       The Mongolian Embassies Abroad list
The following materials are required to obtain Mongolian visa:
1. Valid passport
2. One passport sized photo

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4. Either an invitation of the receiving entity (state, government, non-governmental organization, business entity) or an official request of the sending country and the organization.
- Or, for tourists wishing to stay over 30 days up to 90 days, a letter of invitation from a travel agency
  of Mongolia. Please let us know if you need a letter of invitation.

- Or, if you are traveling on a personal invitation of a citizen of Mongolia, an invitation approved by the
  Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens of Mongolia, and applicant's written
  statement concerning his/her financial credibility to cover his/her stay in Mongolia.

- Or, for those passing Mongolia in transit, onward ticket and visa for next destination are required.

. A) Single entry-exit visa - US$25; for urgent service (within a working day) US$50; this kind of
      Visa is valid for three months from the date of issuing.

. B) Multiple entry-exit visa valid for six months - US$65; for urgent service (within a working day)

. C) Multiple entry-exit visa valid for one year - US$13 - US$130; for urgent service (within a
      working day) US$ 260

. D) Visa extension valid for one week - US$15; for urgent service (within a working day) US$30;
      US$2 per a day exceeding a week.

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